The Savvy City and How To Get By

So…who’s ever been in financial trouble? Our generation seems to be plagued by a never ending circus of bills that pile up, one on top of the other; ever antagonizing you. Sound familiar? I’m definitely a victim of this…so recently I got fed up with the system and having very little control over my money. After all, I did work for it, right? So I figured it was about time that I took responsibility for my finances. So here goes: my very intelligent boyfriend told me about Capitol One 360 Savings…and after researching it…I decided to sign up…it has a .75% APY interest rate…so, for the first time…I’ll have the opportunity to see my savings really grow…We will see how it works out! There are no minimums and a much higher interest rate than my current situation…so I encourage anyone of my generation to take a look at solely online banks because you may be able to save a lot more via this option…but be sure and research it before doing anything!!!!!!