Luscious Greenery

Luscious is the perfect word for my walk in the park in NYC yesterday! As luck would have it, I shared these photos with my family yesterday, and the response was “how lush.” I read that text this morning before I even knew that today’s word is luscious. What serendipity! I hope you enjoy the photos, and please share your photos and thoughts below in the comments! I’m very curious to see!


Pronounce. Pronounce…Pronounce? What do I do with pronounce? The obvious comes to mind, but I’m not sure I feel like writing the obvious today. Given what is going on in my life with volunteering, I find myself talking to many different people in NYC on the phone, and I sometimes get caught off-guard when I think that I’m being very clear, but I get a swift reminder that maybe I am not, and how important communication is. That’s the obvious. Now for the not so obvious thing to write about.






What do all of these words have in common?

They all are a part of,

How I define pronunciation.

How does the voice sound?

What color would you associate the tone with?


Speaking and singing both contain music.

How you pronounce something,

Has a certain music to it.

A certain tone.

Can you hear exactly how the word is pronounced?

Can you hear every part of the word?

Every syllable?

How does it sound when each syllable is combined?

Can you feel the warmth in someone’s voice?

Or is it gravelly?

How do those two,

Effect the sound.


It’s all…


Photo: Sarah Pflug/

Composing Beauty

Ingenuity, I love that word! It has such a nice ring to it, and such a deep meaning (at least to me). I view ingenuity as an essential skill in creativity, and creativity/ingenuity an essential skill of surviving in this new, digital age. I find it fascinating that one can create a job or a career for themselves where there was nothing before. In today’s day and age the opportunities for money making are endless. One of my inspirations for this exact thing is Lin-Manuel Miranda, internationally famous composer of Hamilton, In The Heights, and a member of Freestyle Love Supreme (who, I’m sure, has many more credits, both famous and not, to his name).

I’m absolutely enthralled by his tenacity, skill, perseverance, and his genius. He literally put himself on the map in the entertainment world. He created something brilliant using just his brains, skills, experience, and a pencil and paper. Not only that, but it’s given other artists the opportunity to be a part of the beautiful, caring community that he’s created throughout this process. He’s even changing the world and peoples’ lives by using his works to support causes that he cares deeply about. That, to me, is ingenuity. It”s creativity. I could write many, MANY more paragraphs about my admiration for him as an artist and person, but I’ll get to that in a later post because I could write a novel on it with my ability to go off on tangents and daydream (although that is not a bad thing).

With technology we have the tools to create new things every day. Heck, this article is new right now. It is not a masterpiece of an article, but it’s being created now, in the moment, and shared. Nowadays we have all kinds of opportunities for financial success, we just have to use our ingenuity to build on them. For example, in the past we couldn’t write something and automatically earn money  within a moments’ notice. Now we can. We couldn’t write a book and have it published on amazon without going through the proper book publishers outside of the company and then selling it…but now we can self-publish books and sell them online. We couldn’t automatically create a video of ourselves performing and broadcast it to the world, thereby gaining fame. Now, we have stars who got their start doing just that on youtube. The opportunities are endless. When you think about it, once you open up your mind and heart to creativity so many ideas can come pouring in, and you just have to work tirelessly at them, with all your passion and heart, to create something that you truly stand by. You don’t even have to create for others. Create for yourself, and your passion, care, tenacity, strength, and genius will shine through and you will find your own success by using inginuity.

Composing Beauty

Ingenuity, I love that word! It has such a nice ring to it, and such a deep meaning (at least to me). I view ingenuity as an essential skill in creativity, and creativity/ingenuity an essential skill of surviving in this new, digital age. I find it fascinating that one can create a job or a career for themselves where there was nothing before. In today’s day and age the opportunities for money making are endless. One of my inspirations for this exact thing is Lin-Manuel Miranda, internationally famous composer of Hamilton, In The Heights, and a member of Freestyle Love Supreme (who, I’m sure, has many more credits, both famous and not, to his name).

I’m absolutely enthralled by his tenacity, skill, perseverance, and his genius. He literally put himself on the map in the entertainment world. He created something brilliant using just his brains, skills, experience, and a pencil and paper. Not only that, but it’s given other artists the opportunity to be a part of the beautiful, caring community that he’s created throughout this process. He’s even changing the world and peoples’ lives by using his works to support causes that he cares deeply about. That, to me, is ingenuity. It”s creativity. I could write many, MANY more paragraphs about my admiration for him as an artist and person, but I’ll get to that in a later post because I could write a novel on it with my ability to go off on tangents and daydream (although that is not a bad thing).

With technology we have the tools to create new things every day. Heck, this article is new right now. It is not a masterpiece of an article, but it’s being created now, in the moment, and shared. Nowadays we have all kinds of opportunities for financial success, we just have to use our ingenuity to build on them. For example, in the past we couldn’t write something and automatically earn money  within a moments’ notice. Now we can. We couldn’t write a book and have it published on amazon without going through the proper book publishers outside of the company and then selling it…but now we can self-publish books and sell them online. We couldn’t automatically create a video of ourselves performing and broadcast it to the world, thereby gaining fame. Now, we have stars who got their start doing just that on youtube. The opportunities are endless. When you think about it, once you open up your mind and heart to creativity so many ideas can come pouring in, and you just have to work tirelessly at them, with all your passion and heart, to create something that you truly stand by. You don’t even have to create for others. Create for yourself, and your passion, care, tenacity, strength, and genius will shine through and you will find your own success by using inginuity.

RDP Daily Prompt “Reduce”

Ha ha, the first thought that popped into my head about the word reduce is noise reduction. Then my brain went to noise-reducing headphones and finally landed at noise-cancelling headphones. I’m sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop. I live in New York City, so I guess that’s not much of a surprise! The sirens, the car horns, the city’s hum, it’s vibrant and alive. The fervor of this bustling city is infectious and beautiful, but thank goodness for the small modicum of peace and tranquility that noise-cancelling headphones can bring. I LOVE MINE! They provide a momentary escape! I think that’s key: reducing excess stuff to get out of your own way. There are many ways in which we can do this, it doesn’t just have to be headphones. Headphones are a great place to start though!