Sand Castles By the Sea

Oh, who wouldn’t want to make a sand castle by the sea?

Just relaxing,

Just you and me.

I love the breeze,

Running through my hair.

I love the feel,

Of the balmy air.

I love the summer nights so sweet.

I love the sand beneath my feet.

I love the endless ocean waves,

I feel they go for days and days.

I love the feeling, oh so free,

Of just “being,” you and me.

P.S. This post could not have come at a better time, as my mother reminded me via such a happy picture of the two of us, that this time last year we were in Bermuda, one of my favorite places on the planet. The culture and the environment there are like none other. I can’t wait to go back someday!

Endless Branches

I never thought I’d say this when this all began, but this quarantine and horrific disease has caused me to do, among several options, one specific thing: branch out. Yes, you read that correctly. It has forced me, from the confines of my nyc apartment, to reach out to those that I don’t talk to often enough. It has guided me to reach out to those who might need a boost (and sometimes they reach out to me for the same). It has pushed me to re-think where my life is and how I can get to the next point. It has shown me that what I was doing was decent then but it no longer works now. It has pushed me to grow stronger due to the stress of everyday living around here. It has made me realize who my true friends are. It has shown me more about myself than I realized it would (or could), and where I am vs. where I think I am as a person. It has proved to me that I can do much more and better than I assumed would be possible. In fact, the very first day of my isolation my one of my biggest worries was how well I would mentally handle being inside for such a long period of time. I’m an outdoors girl. I need the fresh air ALL of the time and space to burn energy. That is all still true, but my newfound ability to adapt and keep calm under these circumstances is something that I didn’t think I could do. I have. I’m proud. I’m also blessed that I am able to spend time at home and be healthy, as others may not have a home or may be struggling in the hospital. I count my blessings for this. I am a lucky, lucky person for all of the great people in my life. Ironically, being stuck indoors…has forced me to branch out in ways that I never imagined possible before. I hope you are feeling positive, world, and all my best to everyone out there. We will get through this together.

A lonely walk…but lots of beautiful branches to see/connect with. It’s hard…but we’re all in it together.

RDP Monday: Daylight

Daylight…daylight, daylight, daylight. Daylight? How many ways can I say the word daylight? Could it be in a poem? Could it be in a narrative? A story? Or just in my random musings on the word? Personally, discovering what this word brings up for me is pushing me in the direction of doing a brain drain, if you will; just writing what comes to mind without judging it and starting the energetic flow of writing. These past two days I’ve been inspired to write poetry, but today just a stream of consciousness post is where it’s at, I guess. I miss daylight here in NYC. I love the sun shining bright, lightening up your mood, like it does so often in Colorado, where I grew up. They say the state has 300 days of sunshine per year. I believe them. It shines during the winter, spring, summer, and fall…but in reality there’s basically only two seasons in Colorado: winter and summer…and a very short spring. Colorado seems to get about a week of fall, lol, and it’s been known to snow up until June, maybe even July if you go up high enough. But the one constant in all of the seasons is daylight. It’s very rarely gloomy in Colorado. The air is crisp and the sun is bright. The sky is colorful, with vibrant colors extending across the horizon each evening. There’s nothing like a Colorado evening/sunset. Truly, there’s nothing that compares. It’s beauty is unmatched. It’s hiking is unparalleled. Standing alone at the top of a 13,000′ ski slope makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. It freshens your point of view and your lungs. It’s power is unrivaled. I love Colorado.